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Real Life Story 1 - Portion of a Simple Life

A month Before

Scene 1: Talking with one of my Security Guards at office

“Madam I should quit the job, my house collapsed in village and the salary I get is not sufficient to renovate it, I should go back to village and start farming instead”
“Moti Lal Dai(Brother), don’t talk about quitting job in front of me! continue until your age allows you, ask your family to stay over with you”
“------ gazes and smiles”

After Few days
Scene 2: Moti Lal dai comes with a choice

“Madam I am quitting, I had applied to another company and they are offering me a good salary this time,some provident fund facility is also available. I think I would be able to work more 2-3 years now, I should hold some money to go back home”

“ Moti Lal dai, you disappointed me!! you shouldn’t have left”

“I would visit here daily Madam, I would be working in same area here only another Bank,too near from here”

It was really sad to hear the news, a man of above 50 in his age working as security guard in my office, whose house located in quake hit area is an old fun man I would say. He visited his house for merely 2 days after earthquake collapsed his house to nothing. The great thing about Moti Lal Dai is his simplicity, he often used to sleep even during his duty, I found it funny more than annoying though he was a security guard. A few days before, Iman Singh Gurung, another security guard assigned in our office left his job with the same reason. His case was even worst, he was originally from the most disastrous area affected by earthquake. May be that decision of his friend shook the old man to take this decision of living the current job in current place where he worked for more than six years. I remember him saying wittily, “Madam bhuikampa(Earthquake) traveled from east to west today it would return from west to east tomorrow the same time”.   
 I felt really bad! It just led me to think about all those old men retired from their jobs in army or police who later joins these jobs as security guard in different areas.They are not paid well, away from family, missing important occasions may be! They don’t spend much of their life with their families and as they get retired with ages, they get back home with feeble body and mind. Still, I see the vigor in his eyes to work more,I remember his way to salute us. I get emotional and keep on thinking for days. He is missed everyday by everyone in the office.


Scene 3: Guard who replaced Moti lal dai has a complain

“Madam, please talk with our supervisor, the company hasn’t credited our salary”
On the phone:
“Hello, is this Mr Puri from .......Security Company? I am from Kumari Bank, Chabahil branch. The security guards are complaining about you not crediting the salaries on time. Also, you didn't visited for supervision after the guards replacement, Moti Lal dai also left the job because of your less staff facilities. Could you make it early to credit the salaries?”
Answer from the other side:
“Yes Madam, I shall visit there soon. We are planning to have the provision of provident fund for guards, so the salary delayed. Also, Moti Lal dai is in leave for now, he hasn’t left. While he is back from the leave, he would be reinstated in your branch”
Amazed and Happy, “Oh thanks Puri Ji, Please let me know the progress”
This man Mr Moti Lal Tamang is clever, may be the current company thinks the new guard is on provisional period but guess what? the Moti Lal dai is testing the current job and has a previous wild card in his pocket to get back to us.

Scene 4: I called Motilal Dai

“Dai this is Anupama, are you on your duty?? I have a news for you, your previous company has increased your facilities and wants you to join the duty. Also, they say when you are back, you will be resumed here again.”

“Yes Madam, I would come there and talk about it”


Will he be back?

I await if The old man comes back J


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