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Selfie with daughter- Spreading smiles for Girl Child

Mr Narendra Modi has been a source of inspiration for many. Often called as Modi; has been a person of power and popularity in a short span of his incarnation as Prime Minister of India. So famous in social media, every word he speaks or every campaign he starts trends to become viral. #CleanIndia, #SelfieWithModi, #SelfieWithDaughter, #DigitalIndia, #DrugsFreeIndia, #DigitalIndia to mention as few, trending and spreading all over the globe. His words,wisdom and way of life impress many in the globe not only Indians. Among all of his awareness #SelfieWithDaughter is getting a world wide appreciation, acknowledgment and participation. A simple initiation of a Powerful man has attracted Parents worldwide to shower their support via posting their selfies with their daughters.

The campaign is all about raising awareness against  female foeticide in India. The recent researches show the abnormal child sex ratios of boys to girls specially in urban India. The female foeticide could be a significant cause for the same. Indian Prime minister has initiated a remarkable job to put the true figures in front of those who are knowingly unknown about the fact. 

Mr Modi has always emphasized on women empowerment,gender quality and education to girl child. His government has proactively been working on educating girl child,maternal health, women safety and most of all improving gender ratio in India. The Trend #SelfieWithDaughter shouldn't be limited to India only, it should equally be publicized in all those countries where women empowerment is needed and where exists no celebration moments while a daughter is borne. The campaign might not have had such a impact if an ordinary person had approached but since it is Modi who started it, it went viral. He showed the way to all the Strong Personalities of society to speak up for well being socially and actively cause they have a large word of mouth to spread it vitally. 

Keep growing #SelfieWithDaughter


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